Wednesday 4 March 2015

Album art research: Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band

Targeting the Youth Market - 50's & 60's
Fig 1, Album cover for Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band(fig 1) was released on the 1st of June in 1967 and was The Beatles eighth album. This album work won the 1967 Grammy Award for Best Album Cover; Graphic Design and the album itself stayed in the Top charts in the UK for 22 weeks and number 1 for 15 weeks in the US. 

The album cover started from an ink drawing from McCartney and this was then given to Pop artist Peter Blake and his wife Jann Haworth to design the final layouts and was directed by Robert Fraser and the final cover was photographed on the 30th of March 1967 by Micheal Cooper. The drum in front of the band members was painted by Joe Ephgrave and the collage includes 57 photographs, 9 wax works and the members of The Beatles.

The characters include; Mahavatar Babji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Bob Dylan, Sri Yukswar, Bobby Breen,Paramahansa Yoganda, Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe, Aubrey Beardsley, Albert Stubbins, Sonny Liston, Stan Lauren, H.G Wells, Oscar Wilde, Dylan Thomas and Oliver Hardy.
The purpose of having this massive collection of iconic people was meant to show a wide diversity of people who influenced the world to make it the way it was on that day. On the cover is also wax works of The Beatles as how they looked at the beginning of their career next to the real them as they appeared at that point. This showed the audience a huge distinction between who they were and who they came to be in their lives and careers.

This cover cost nearly £3,000 in comparison to most albums back in 1967 which on average cost around £50. Seemingly worth it as this cover came to change album covers forever, it was a huge leap towards new and different covers expressing different things in off beat and new ways.


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